Live Fearlessly
Dis-content and Dis-ease are Rooted in Fear and Trauma

Cancer became one of my greatest teachers.

I went through the process, followed my inner guidance and healed myself in 2015. I knew the answers were within and I had no-thing to fear. I discovered the very things I was afraid of all my life—feeling deeply, being vulnerable and being my truest self—and it did not destroy me. I survived my worst fears, learned to love myself and along with the universe, co-created a joyful existence—living life with courage and gusto.

Be Your Self—To be True is to be Yourself

Whatever past one has experienced, the good, the bad, the ugly—it does not need to define who you are. As you become self-aware, you can look back to the lessons learned, see the patterns shifting and make a conscious choice to take care of yourself in an unconditional, loving way.

When you are separated from self—and your genuine reality and truth—there is no way the blissfulness of non-attachment and Self-realization can arise.

This ignorance or unseeing can create a clear path for illness or dis-“ease”.

All the Answers are With-IN

The Path Within is Both Entangled and Rewarding

Ultimately, the key to finding yourself is to venture inward. Go into the shadow, into the light to find the patterns woven into your being and begin to tug on the threads, first to unravel, examine and understand, clearing the patterns that no longer serve you. 

Go deeper inward and find those places that are unexamined and make love with them. Have an intimate, inner dialogue about what this “charge” is for you. And then listen. Listen intently—go into the fear and hear what is truly coming up for you, and make sure you tell yourself the truth.

Take the time you need to go deeper, to explore these realms of self, to understand what really IS.

Forgive Yourself and OthersIn Letting Go, we Rise

When you forgive yourself and others, you become closer to being self-realized and the gift of goodwill can then enter. It’s like the saying, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

By clearing all trespasses, making amends and atonement, we raise our vibration and thus connect with our true self, attaining awareness that positively affects ourselves and others. This is how we support all of humanity. 

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